The kids are in the middle of completing their Science Fair projects. This is the first year they are doing these, so I’ve broken down the project into 4 chunks. That way the students can get their work checked by me as they’re completing the project, and I can make any corrections along the way if needed.
Well one of my students (let’s call her Jane) was completely unclear about her experiment and left out a lot of detail and I was confused about what her whole experiment was trying to prove. Another area she missed points on was the section requiring the students to keep a journal of their experiment. Jane only completed 3 out of the 5 entries required.
So I get this angry email from a mommy telling me that Jane’s father was furious with her, the school, and myself for giving her a bad grade. She proceeded to tell me that they spent $85 on plants and supplies for the experiment, and it was all for nothing since she got a bad grade (really? $85 on plants? What did they buy, palm trees?). So it was the parents’ understanding that I didn’t give Jane a good grade because they didn’t spend enough money on the Science Fair project.
Really? I mean come on. Really? If that were the case then I would’ve required the parents turn in receipts. Come on now.
It always amazes me when people expect the worst of me as their child’s teacher. Like I’m teaching because I enjoy the huge paycheck (I have mentioned before how much I love shopping at the DOLLAR store, right?).