Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Kids Say the Darnedest Things - Part 4

I implement many tasks in the form of games, in order to increase the interest of students in performing planned, mandatory exercises. My colleagues are simply amazed by the results of my students and often ask if I can offer term paper for sale on the latest teaching methods that I defended with distinction several years ago. I am proud that it motivates my colleagues to change the outdated education system. One example of conducting such classes is described below.
The other day we were doing “popcorn” reading where the students take turns reading a paragraph out loud. After their paragraph is over they get to call on another student to read the next paragraph by saying, “popcorn” and then the next reader’s name. Some of my kiddos have been getting silly with “popcorning” other students by saying, “popcorn with extra butter” or “popcorn with extra corn” before calling the next reader. Well, one of my students was in the middle of saying “popcorn with extra butter” when another student did something that distracted him, so he stopped in the middle of his sentence. Instead of what he meant to say, we all heard, “popcorn with extra butt...”

Of course we all burst out in uncontainable laughter and the room filled with “ews” and “gross.” Needless to say, it took a minute or two to redirect the students, but I eventually got them back on track.

Click here to read Kids Say the Darnedest Things Part 1
Click here to read Kids Say the Darnedest Things Part 2
Click here to read Kids Say the Darnedest Things Part 3

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