Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Global Gift from the United States

Here's the gift for Day 2 of the Global Gifts Giveaway.  Telling time is a pretty universal need (I think) so here's a whole class or group game idea and some story cards about elapsed time.  The Time Elapse cards are an exclusive freebie I'm only offering to Global Teacher Connect Readers; they are usually part of my Telling Time Pack.  You can get the game idea here and the time elapse cards here.  I'm so excited to see what all of the other authors have coming up in the next few days.  Be sure to check back daily for a different gift each day!

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  1. Michelle WalkerMay 2, 2012 at 1:07 PM

    Thank you, Melissa, for these cute activities! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing!

  3. The Resourceful Teacher.comMay 2, 2012 at 8:10 PM

    These are adorable! Thank you!

  4. Melissa, DillyDabblesMay 2, 2012 at 9:17 PM

    You're all very welcome!

  5. Elapsed Time was probably the hardest concept for my second and third graders all year long! This is a nice set to help practice some more! The game ideas are rather nice too! Thanks!


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