Friday, August 24, 2012

Creating a Global Community

I recently wrote a Wednesday Website Suggestion at Raki’s Rad Resources on the site Time for Kids. Time for Kids has so much to it, so please feel free to stop by my site for all of the details.  However, the part I wanted to share with the readers here at Global Teacher Connect is called A Day in the Life.

Time for Kids includes an Around the World section, which gives students information on various countries from around the world including: Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, Afghanistan, Japan, Russia, Vietnam, Australia, Costa Rica, Greece, Spain, Israel, Canada, Brazil and Ecuador.  Inside each country’s section, there is a link called A Day in the Life.  This link gives you a sneak peek into a day in the life of a child in that country.  I think that this was such a great way for students to look at the world – through the eyes of another kid their age! 

A Day in the Life of Kids Around the World - Use Time for Kids to teach about global community   A Day in the Life of Kids Around the World - Use Time for Kids to teach about global community  A Day in the Life of Kids Around the World - Use Time for Kids to teach about global community

As teachers of global students, we should be teaching students that they are part of a global community, full of kids around the world who get up, go to school and learn to become the future of this world.  This section of the website is a way to help our students find the similarities between people in countries all around the world, and to see how all of these people fit together into one global community.  So, this year, when you begin talking to your students about communities, don’t forget to include the global community, and check out this section of Time for Kids to help you do that. 


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