I have been teaching for 5 years. I've taught 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Most of my teaching time has been spent in 7th grade teaching math. However, this year I'm teaching 7th grade Science and Social Studies. At this time, the plan for next year will be 7th grade Math and Social Studies.
I'm from the United States. I teach in a rural, low socio-economic school where about 80% of the students receive free or reduced-price lunch. I deal with many, many issues each day that stem from the environment in which I teach....lack of care of home, living with other relatives, not enough to eat, few clothing items, dirty clothing items, parents in jail, broken homes, etc.
My heart often breaks over what my students are going through. However, I still expect them to be successful and overcome their surroundings!
I wanted to join up with Heidi at Global Teacher Connect after teaching Social Studies this year. My eyes were really opened to what is going on in our world in a whole different way. Thinking about global issues enough to teach them to 7th graders and to see their enthusiasm and hear their questions has been a wonderful experience!
I hope to share a little slice of life from my classroom located in the Southeastern US.

I hope to gain more knowledge about how to better teach my students!
I look forward to getting to know each of you much better!
Making It {and smiling},

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